Laboratory Notebook Rubric
  Beginning (0) Developing (2.6) Adequate (3) Accomplished (3.4) Mastery (4)
Organization No organization at all, random incomplete entries unidentifiable with specific experiments. Poor handwriting so that what is written is difficult to read. Some organization. Entries appear broken into individual experiments. No clear organization of data within experiments. Difficult to asses completeness of record. Entries clearly broken into individual experiments. Data complete and grouped together, but randomly arranged on the page. Entries are often messy or too tightly spaced to read easily. Clear Organization. Data complete and grouped together. Good space between lines, however handwriting occasionally difficult to read. Clear organization. Entries are easy to read with good space between lines. Entries clear and concise with good handwriting. Clear indication of where experiment starts and stops.
Heading Heading non existent. Simple non-descriptive title - exp. 51. No date/chemical equation/purpose/procedure. Heading missing one or more of the crucial elements of date/title/chemical equation/ purpose/procedure. Title/purpose/procedure ambiguous or inaccurate or insufficient. Heading complete with date/title/chemical equation/ purpose/procedure. One or more of the title/purpose/procedure ambiguous or inaccurate or insufficient. Heading complete with date/title/chemical equation/ purpose/procedure. Title/purpose/procedure may be too brief or too lengthy. Heading complete with date/title/chemical equation/ purpose/procedure. Title/purpose/procedure clear concise and accurate.
Data Values listed haphazardly. Little if any description of what the value is. Values frequently recorded without units. Values frequently overwritten in attempt to correct error making data unreadable. Data incomplete and/or inaccurate. Writing sloppy or tightly crammed together making data hard to read. Some values recorded without units. Some values or symbols ill-formed or illegible. Data complete but with some inaccuracies. Writing clear and easy to read. All values recorded with proper units. Data preceded by somewhat ambiguous or lengthy descriptors. Few, if any, ill-formed or illegible symbols. Data complete and accurate. Writing clear with appropriate space between data. All values recorded with proper units. Data preceded by clear descriptors. Data complete and accurate. No ill-formed or illegible symbols. Data organized into clear data table format. Writing clear easy to read. Data descriptors clear and concise. All data complete and accurate with no ill-formed or illegible symbols.
Total Possible Points = 16

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