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  • Lecture Date: Monday, June 14, 2021

    Welcome to Chem 3. Here are the recordings and notes that were taken on this first day of class. The notest include Introductions, some basics about how science and chemistry operate, models in chemistry and our first model the Kinetic Molecular Theory.

  • Lecture Date: Tuesday, June 15, 2021

    Today we covered classification of matter, section 1.3 on physical and chemical properties, intensive and extensive properties and a quick overview of the periodic table.

  • Lecture Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2021

    Today we covered chapter 1.4 on measurement. We discussed the base units in the SI system and their definitions as well as introduced the idea of derived units. Metric prefixes were introduced along with simple demonstrations of how and why we use them. We also presented a more abbreviated, but complete, overview of significant figures as much of this is being covered in both the morning and afternoon labs. If you are taking just the lecture you may want to look at the video from the morning lab this moring which you can find posted here.

  • Lecture Date: Thursday, June 17, 2021

    Today we completed the significant figure rules with examples for addition/subtraction and multiplication/division. We started chapter 1.6 and out look at dimensional analysis by reiterating the need to memorize the three key conversion factors between the SI system and the English system for length, mass, and volume. We presented the system of dimensional analysis for problem solving and outlined the steps for the process. Multiple examples were presented increasing in complexity. We have more to do however, we still need to look at temperature conversions, and I have some additional examples of more complicated roadmaps that I would like to share with you on Monday.

  • Lecture Date: Monday, June 21, 2021

    We concluded our look at chapter 1.6 by examining temperature scales and conversions as well as introducing percent type conversion factors. After the break we stared our look at Chapter 2 by examining the evolution of atomic theory, and experiments from Thompson, Millikan, Rutherford, Soddy and Chadwick, all of which contributed to the modern understanding of atomic structure.

  • Lecture Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021

    Today we finished our look at chapter 2.3 with how to determine the average mass of an element using a weighted average of the isotopes. We covered the definition of the mole and looked at how the atomic mass can be expressed both as a value in amu/atom and grams/mole.

  • Lecture Date: Wednesday, June 23, 2020

    We nearly concluded our look at Chapter 2.4 today. In the fist half of the session we looked at molecular representations, molecular formulas, structural formulas, and three-dimensional space-filling models. We looked at structural isomers and explained the difference between empirical and molecular formulas. In the second half of the lecture we introduced stoichiometry calculations by first looking at atomic ratios within a molecule, doing molecule to atom conversions, then atom to mole coversions, then mole to mole coversions. We showed how to calculate molar mass. From molar mass we were able to start mass to mole conversions and ultimately mass to mass coversions. We developed a general stoichiometry roadmap and showed how to use the general roadmap to map at stoichiometry problems.

  • Lecture Date: Thursday, June 24, 2021

    Today we complete our look at stoichiometry and then backtracked a little to cover ions for some of the work in chapter 2. We managed to set the stage for chapter 3 with an introduction to electronic configuration.

  • Lecture Date: Monday, June 28, 2021

    We made major progress on electronic configurations today. Today we examined the four quantum numbers and described their relationship to each other mathematically. We then looked at the common names and representation of the quantum numbers in electron configuration diagrams. We showed how to use fill electron diagrams for the elements and how to correlate the diagrams to the Periodic Table. We still have a bit of work to do, but good progress was definitely made.

  • Lecture Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2021

    We completed our look at electronic configurations today. We spent time looking orbital shapes and explained their interpretation as probability density maps of where you are most likely to find an electron. The definition of valence and core electrons was discussed and examples of determining the number of valence electrons was shown. We looked at the stability of the Nobel Gas elements and used their electronic configurations to develop the Octet Rule which states that atoms will share or trade electrons in an attempt to become isoelectronic with their closest Nobel Gas. From there we developed the idea ions and looked at both the electronic configuration of ions and the beginning of the nomenclature system - system for naming atoms, ions, ionic compounds, and molecular compounds.

  • Lecture Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2021

    Today we started the nomenclature part of Chapter 3. We broke the ionic nomenclature down into three major parts, main group metals and nonmetals, transition metals with main group nonmetals, and both main group and transition metals with polyatomic ions. We made it through introducing the polyatomic ions and showing how to group them into families to make memorization easier. In tomorrows lecture we will look at that third type of ionic compound using polyatomic ions with both main group metals and transition metals. More to come.

  • Lecture Date: Thursday, July 1, 2021

    We completed Chapter 3 this morning with our look at covalent compounds and nomenclature, electronegativity trends, electron affinity trends, and atomic size trends. We then moved into chapter 4 and started our look covalent bonding. We examined both how and why covalent bonds are formed. Lots more to come as we have just reached the half way mark of the course.

  • Lecture Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2021

    We are deep in chapter 4 material at this point. Today we discussed nonpolar, polar, and ionic bonds and how to determine using the difference in electronegativity. We started Lewis structures, but only made it through two examples. We will have lots more on Lewis Structures tomorrow as we look at alternative methods, Lewis Structures of ions and exceptions to the octet rule.

  • Lecture Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2020

    We spent today on Lewis Structures. Much of the info in todays lecture was redundant with lab, however we did go into more detail and with more and different examples. We are in the home stretch with Chapter 4. Tomorrow will be all about VSEPR theory and three-dimensional shape of molecules.

  • Lecture Date: Thursday, July 8, 2021

    Today we discussed chapter 4.5 VSEPR Theory, and chapter 4.6 molecular polarity. We were able to expand a bit on the VSEPR theory ideas presented in the morning lab and did a few more examples. After the break we took on the idea of molecular polarity and explored how individual dipole moments in a molecule can add to make the overall molecule polar or cancel to give a non-polar molecule.

  • Lecture Date: Monday, July 12, 2021

    Today we started Chapter 6. We skipped over chapter 6.1 that covers the calculation of molar mass, as we covered that in the stoichiometry chapter. Instead we went right to Chapter 6.2 and a look at the at the process of using percent composition to calculate both the empirical formula and the molecular formula. In the second half of the lecture we look at using the molecular formulas to calculate percent composition.

  • Lecture Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2021

    Today we took on Chapter 6.3 and concentrations. We looked at the two types of concentrations, percent type and molarity type. Many examples of both were covered. At the very end of the lecture we looked at the dilution equation and did a single quick example. Tomorrow we will do a little more with dilution before moving on.

  • Lecture Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2021

    We completed Chapter 6 today with a final look at dilution equations. Upon completing Chapter 6 we took a head long dive into Chapter 7. Given the work that we have been doing in the lab portion of the class, chapter 7 looks a little redundant. It is important to remember that some students are only taking the lecture course and are not enrolled in the lab. For those students who are only in the lecture, you may wish to watch some of the lab videos on balancing chemical equations and double displacement reactions. So today we reviewed balancing equations. We also looked at the different types of chemical reactions and showed examples of each type. We then focused in on double displacement reactions and started in on the solubility rules. We will continue with the solubility rules tomorrow.

  • Lecture Date: Thursday, July 15, 2021

    Today we finished off solubility and jumped headlong into acid-base reactions. While chapter 7 does have acid-base, I may have inadvertently gone a little deeper into the ideas of the reaction quotient than I normally do. The reaction quotient isn't usually covered until chapter 10 with equilibrium. It will all be fine. The reaction quotient will still help to inform some of the information needed for acid-base.

  • Lecture Date: Monday, July 19, 2021

    As we enter the last week of this six week course, we rounded out chapter 7 with a look at stoichiometry of chemical reactions. We showed how the coefficients in a balanced chemical reaction can be used as molar ratios in the same way that we use subscripts in a formula. We also addressed limiting reagent problems and percent yield problems. In the second half of the lecture after the break we took a look at redox reactions. We looked at the rules for assigning oxidation numbers and how to calculate the oxidation number of an atom that does not have a rule. We also showed how to decide if a reaction is a RedOx reaction by looking at the oxidation numbers of the reactants and products.

  • Lecture Date: Tuesday, July 20, 2021

    We introduced gas laws today. We used an apparatus to explore the relationships between pressure, temperature, volume and the number of moles of gas. After deriving the relationships we showed how we could convert the proportionality to an equality and derived the Ideal Gas Law PV=nRT. Numerous examples of gas law problems were demonstrated. We also looked at the combined gas law, showing both how to derive the equation and how to use it in changing condition problems.

  • Lecture Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2021

    Almost there. Here's the second to last lecture. Today we finished up Chapter 8 and our look at the gas laws. We covered Dalton's law of partial pressures. We derived a varient of PV=nRT using Dalton's law that showed that moles (n) can be thought of as the sum of all gas moles in the problem. We also looked at STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure) conditions where 1 mole of gas equals 22.4 L.

    We also looked at Chapter 10 - Solids and Liquids. Our main interest in this chapter is the energy changes associated with phase change, as well as the relationship between temperature change and energy. We looked at several examples of calculating the energy required to heat water, as well as to go from solid water to liquid or steam.

  • Lecture Date: Thursday, July 22, 2021

    Last lecture. Here it goes. We covered equilibrium, the reaction quotient, the equilibrium constant and Le Châtelier's principle. From there we explored the equilibrium constant for water and pH system. A number of examples were shown of calculating pH as well as working from the pH back to the hydronium ion concentration. And that's a wrap folks. I sincerely enjoyed working with everyone this summer. You've been a fantastic class. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into the class. Thank you for your enthusiasm and questions. Thank you for your support and words of encouragement as I struggled to meet the demands of this new teaching environment. I think we made a good team. Best wishes to you all. Stay safe and be well.

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