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- Lecture Date: Monday, June 15, 2020
Introduction. Kinetic Molecular Theory and Classification of matter.
- Lecture Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Today we covered classification of matter, section 1.3 on physical and chemical properties, intensive and extensive properties, section 1.4 on measurement, English and SI systems of measure, the metric prefixes, and the base units and derived units of the SI system.
- Lecture Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2020
We covered chapter 1.5 and most of 1.6 today, hitting measurement, uncertainty, significant figures, and looked at using these tools to solve dimensional analysis problems. Within the dimensional analysis problems we presented a steps for approaching and solving the problems including parsing word problems, developing a road map, writing out and conducting the calculation and finally rounding the answer to the correct number of significant figures.
- Lecture Date: Thursday, June 18, 2020
Today we finished our look at Chapter 1.6. We discussed the three key conversion factors that I would like you to memorize. We did several more examples of dimensional analysis problems and looked at temperature conversions between fahrenheit, Celcius and Kelvin temperature scales. We also made a start on Chapter 2.1 in looking at Dalton's early atomic theory and the law of multiple proportions.
- Lecture Date: Monday, June 22, 2020
Covered the evolution of atomic theory, chapter 2.2 today. We looked at experiments from Thompson, Millikan, Rutherford, Soddy and Chadwick, all of which contributed to the modern understanding of atomic structure. We moved into chapter 2.3 and covered atomic structure, electrons, protons and neutrons, introduced the nuclide symbol and the relationship of isotopes.
- Lecture Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Today we finished our look at chapter 2.3 with how to determine the average mass of an element using a weighted average of the isotopes. We covered the definition of the mole and looked at how the atomic mass can be expressed both as a value in amu/atom and grams/mole.
- Lecture Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2020
We nearly concluded our look at Chapter 2.4 today. In the fist half of the session we looked at molecular representations, molecular formulas, structural formulas, and three-dimensional space-filling models. We looked at structural isomers and explained the difference between empirical and molecular formulas. In the second half of the lecture we introduced stoichiometry calculations by first looking at atomic ratios within a molecule, doing molecule to atom conversions, then atom to mole coversions, then mole to mole coversions. We showed how to calculate molar mass. From molar mass we were able to start mass to mole conversions and ultimately mass to mass coversions. We developed a general stoichiometry roadmap and showed how to use the general roadmap to map at stoichiometry problems.
- Lecture Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020
Today we backtracked a little to cover ions for some of the work in chapter 2. Then we leapt into chapter 3 to look at electronic configurations. We looked at the four quantum numbers that describe the postion of an electron in an atom. From there we related those four quantum numbers to the more familiar terms of level, sub-level, orbital and spin. We ended by correlating the electronic configurations to the structure of the periodic table.
- Lecture Date: Monday, June 29, 2020
Today we completed our look at electronic configurations. We introduced ion formation and the electronic configuration of ions.
- Lecture Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2020
The focus today was on ionic compounds, but the formation and the nomenclature. Many examples were provided for the three different cases of main group ions, transition metal ions, and polyatomic ions.
- Lecture Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Today we concluded Chapter 3 with a look at periodic trends of atom and ion size, electron affinity and electronegativity. We then moved into Chapter 4 and took a look at covalent bond formation and the different between non-polar, polar and ionic bonds.
- Lecture Date: Thursday, July 2, 2020
Today we made it to the half way point in the class. In lecture today we started with a recap and examples of determining bond polarity using the difference in electronegativity values. From there we jumped into chapter 4.4 and Lewis structures. Two methodes for the drawing of Lewis structures was presented, a traditional approach and common bonding pattern approach. When used together the two approaches make Lewis structures easy. We also introduced the concept of formal charge and showed several examples.
- Lecture Date: Monday, July 6, 2020
In this lecture we started with a further look at Lewis structures. After the break we came back and looked at VSEPR theory that allows us to determine the three dimensional structure of molecules.
- Lecture Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2020
We finished our look at Chapter 4 with a look at molecular polarity. We introduced the dipole moment as a vector with a both a direction and magnetude. We looked at how to add vectors, both graphically and mathematically. Ultimately we showed that we do not need to do the vector math to decide on molecular polarity, but that we could use a simple flow chart, or dichotomous key to decide if a molecule is polar or not based on its constituent elements and geometry.
- Lecture Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Skipping chapter five, we launched into Chapter six and took on percent composition, determination of empirical formula from percent composition and determination of molecular formula given the molar mass and percent composition. In the second half of the lecture we looked at concentration, percent by mass, percent by volume, parts per million and parts per billion.
- Lecture Date: Thursday, July 9, 2020
We finished up our examination of Chapter six by looking at molarity and the dilution equation. Many examples of both problem types were discussed.
- Lecture Date: Monday, July 13, 2020
Starting chapter 7, we did a segment on balancing chemical equations. Rules for balancing were provided and a number of examples shown. From there we jumped into chapter 7.2 and looked at double displacement reactions. We covered chemical, ionic and net ionic equations. We'll continue our look at 7.2 tomorrow with acid-base chemistry and redox reactions.
- Lecture Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Today we took a good look at acid-base chemistry. We looked at different definitions of acids and base, the Arrhenius definition and the Brønsted-Lowry definition. We looked at the definition of conjugates and how to write neutralization reactions.
- Lecture Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2020
We took a head long dive into redox reactions today. We defined oxidation and reduction. We reviewed the rules for assigning oxidation numbers, and looked at several examples of their use. We looked at oxidation and reduction half reactions. And finally we defined the terms oxidized species, reduced species, oxidizing agent, and reducing agent.
- Lecture Date: Thursday, July 16, 2020
Today we looked at stoichiometric calculations for chemical reactions. This wasn't so much a new topic, as much as it was a review of concepts applied in a new way. We also covered limiting reagent problems and percent yield of chemical reactions. This closed out our look at chapter 7.
- Lecture Date: Monday, July 20, 2020
As we enter the last week of this six week course, we started off our Monday by looking at Chapter 8 and Gas Laws. We set some parameters for an ideal gas, approximations or simplifications inorder to develop a workable model. From there we did a series of thought experiments looking at the interaction of pressure with temperature, volume and moles. We then used those thought experiments to develop the Ideal Gas Law PV=nRT. A couple of example problems were shown.
- Lecture Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Today we finished up Chapter 8 and our look at the gas laws. Today we covered the combined gas law and showe how we can use it to calculate values with changing conditions. We also looked at Dalton's law of partial pressures. We derived a varient of PV=nRT using Dalton's law that showed that moles (n) can be thought of as the sum of all gas moles in the problem.
- Lecture Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Almost there. Here's the second to last lecture. Today we looked at Chapter 10 - Solids and Liquids. Our main interest in this chapter is the energy changes associated with phase change, as well as the relationship between temperature change and energy. We looked at several examples of calculating the energy required to heat water, as well as to go from solid water to liquid or steam. In the last 20 min of the lecture we transitioned into chapter 11 with a look at equilibrium. We discussed the reaction quotient and how the reaction quotient becomes "K" at equilibrium. We defined equilibrium and looked at the interpretation of what it means when K>1, K<1 and K=1. We'll pick it up tomorrow with a look how acid and base relates to equilibrium and we'll take a look at pH.
- Lecture Date: Thursday, July 23, 2020
Last lecture. Here it goes. We covered equilibrium, the reaction quotient, the equilibrium constant and Le Châtelier's principle. From there we explored the equilibrium constant for water and pH system. A number of examples were shown of calculating pH as well as working from the pH back to the hydronium ion concentration. And that's a wrap folks. I sincerely enjoyed working with everyone this summer. You've been a fantastic class. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into the class. Thank you for your enthusiasm and questions. Thank you for your support and words of encouragement as I struggled to meet the demands of this new teaching environment. I think we made a good team. Best wishes to you all. Stay safe and be well.