Abstract |
Scope of work not sufficiently described or too lengthy. Experimental details included. Results not stated. Written in wrong tense. Many unneeded sentences. |
Scope of work not sufficiently described or too lengthy. Experimental details included. Some critical results missing. Written in wrong tense. Few unneeded sentences. |
Scope of work not sufficiently described or too lengthy. Not completely in past tense. Some critical results missing. |
Between 80 - 200 words. Scope of work incomplete or too detailed. Written in past tense. Describes the work that was done and results found without using experimental details. |
Between 80 - 200 words. Written in past tense. Describes the work that was done and results found without using experimental details. |
Introduction |
Little or no motivation or theoretical background given. No overview given in last paragraph. |
Motivation/focus miss directed. Theoretical background missing or riddled with errors. Non-technical overview too technical. |
Motivation/focus miss directed. Theoretical background incomplete or with minor errors. Non-technical overview too technical. |
Describes the motivation and focus of the experiment. Contains appropriate theoretical background with minor errors. Non-technical overview too technical. |
Describes the motivation and focus of the experiment. Contains appropriate theoretical background. Last paragraph is non-technical overview of the experiment. |
Methods Materials |
No citations given. Deviations/additions/omissions not discussed. |
Some materials cited. Citations incorrect or incorrectly formatted. Deviations/additions/omissions expressed but sometimes vague or unclear. |
Materials cited. Some citations incorrect or incorrectly formatted. Deviations/additions/omissions expressed but sometimes vague or unclear. |
Lab manual and other materials properly cited. Deviations/additions/omissions are expressed in paragraph format, but too brief or too lengthy. |
Lab manual and other materials properly cited. Deviations/additions/omissions are clearly expressed in paragraph format. |
Results |
Result data table not present, but discussed in paragraph format. Some information missing or incorrect. |
Result data presented in table format, large amounts of data missing or incorrect. Tables/graphs incorrectly formated. Captions missing. |
Result data presented in table format, some data missing or incorrect. Data incompletely discussed in paragraph. Tables/graphs incorrectly formated. Captions could be improved. |
Result data presented in table format and discussed in paragraph format. Disagreements found between table and text. All data tables, graphs half page with correct captions. |
Result data presented in table format and discussed in paragraph format. All data tables, graphs half page with correct captions. |
Discussion Conclusion |
Results not analyzed. Experimental difficulties/errors/questions not discussed. Conclusion not present. |
Results analyzed producing some incorrect conclusions. Experimental difficulties/errors discussed incompletely, some questions answered incorrectly. Conclusion too lengthy/misses the bottom line. |
Results analyzed producing some incorrect conclusions. Experimental difficulties/errors discussed, some questions answered incorrectly. Conclusion too lengthy/misses the bottom line. |
Results analyzed to produce sound conclusions. All experimental difficulties/errors/questions discussed, some answered incorrectly. Last paragraph is conclusion, expressing briefly the bottom line of the experiment. |
Results analyzed to produce sound conclusions. All experimental difficulties, errors, questions discussed correctly. Last paragraph is conclusion, expressing briefly the bottom line of the experiment. |
Language Grammar Formatting |
First person used throughout. Incomplete sentences. Many grammatical errors. Complete lack of formatting. |
Occasional lapses into first person. Sentence structure weak, many grammatical errors. Inconsistent formatting. |
Third person used throughout. Sentence structure weak, many grammatical errors. Inconsistent formatting. |
Third person used throughout. Well formed sentence structure, few grammatical errors. Few formatting errors. |
Third person used throughout. Well formed sentence structure, grammatically correct. Excellent consistent formatting. |